Back and neck pain

back and neck pain

Pain in the back and neck occurs periodically in every person. This may be due to recent physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle, or the presence of serious spinal pathologies.

To find out the cause of pain and possible complications of diseases, you need to undergo a medical examination in time. Often the cause of severe back pain can be a herniated disc or severe damage to the spine from injury.

In elderly patients, pain in the lumbar region is associated with degenerative diseases of bone tissue. In the future, the development of the disease will lead to the need for surgical intervention, when drug treatment will not bring the expected effect. Therefore, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor or independently determine the pathology.


Painful sensations begin to appear in the cervical region, after which they pass to the shoulders and the area between the shoulder blades. In this case, the patient feels pain when moving the head or shoulder joint. In the future, such manifestations become stronger, and the person feels stiffness when turning his head.

The main symptoms that a person has serious pathologies of the spine are:

  • numbness in the muscles of the shoulder joint and neck;
  • periodic painful sensations in the upper back;
  • muscle tension;
  • characteristic clicks and noises of the joints;
  • restriction of free movement of the shoulder that occurs after sleep;
  • tingling sensation in soft tissues;
  • sharp shot from different sides of the back;
  • discomfort around ligaments and neck.

When these symptoms appear, a person begins to wonder why the back and neck can hurt and what to do to get rid of discomfort. In such cases, you need to know the underlying causes and proceed to therapy in time.

shoulder and back pain


Unpleasant sensations in the back and neck area occur in most cases due to muscle spasms and subluxations of the vertebrae. They are quite difficult to notice during a general examination by a doctor, so a more effective diagnosis is necessary. CT scans and magnetic resonance imaging are often prescribed, which can visualize even minor structural changes. The first technique is well suited for examining the bone formations of the spine, and MRI helps to determine why muscles and soft tissues hurt.

Muscle spasms

The main reason why it gives way in the back is believed to be muscle spasms. They can occur over time, after a small spasm has turned into severe muscle tension. The following factors can cause this:

  • prolonged stay in uncomfortable positions;
  • incorrect position during sleep;
  • great physical activity and active actions;
  • hypothermia, as a result of which inflammatory processes occur in the muscles.

Even a small draft can cause muscle spasms. Improper use of the air conditioner and high temperature differences lead to inflammation of muscle tissue.

Vertebral subluxation

In case of mechanical damage, the vertebrae are displaced to the underlying. As a rule, this phenomenon is observed in case of serious injuries in car accidents. Subluxations are accompanied by damage to the ligament apparatus, muscle tension and damage to the joint capsule. The doctor can recognize the pathology by severe pain during palpation, turning the head and moving the neck.

Subluxations are treated by surgeons and traumatologists. A person can independently adjust the vertebra, but only after a highly qualified consultation with a specialist. In mild cases of pathology, immobilization with a Shants collar is prescribed for a month.

neck and back pain

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Another cause of pulling and aching pains in the neck can be osteochondrosis. This is a degenerative disease of the spine, which occurs as a result of metabolic disorders. The cervical part has a weak muscle corset, which causes a large load on the vertebrae. As a result, the vertebral artery is blocked, and the necessary nutrition of important brain structures does not occur.

The following factors can cause osteochondrosis:

  • disturbed metabolism;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • hypothermia;
  • prolonged stay in uncomfortable positions;
  • obesity.

To prevent the onset and further development of osteochondrosis, it is enough to do gymnastic exercises and follow the doctor's prescriptions.

Intervertebral hernia

Intervertebral hernia is an inflammatory and degenerative disease that is accompanied by deformation of the intervertebral disc and rupture of the fibrous ring. The intervertebral discs act as shock absorbers, reducing the destructive effect of the vertebrae on each other.

Over time, they can lose their elasticity and flexibility, causing intense pain and discomfort. When an intervertebral hernia occurs, the patient may experience frequent headaches and muscle pain. Insufficient nourishment of the brain causes dizziness, weakness and constant drowsiness.

Possible complications

Even minor pain can then affect a person's health or lead to serious complications that require immediate surgery. Ignoring inflammatory and degenerative diseases leads to pathologies of the vascular system, the appearance of severe shooting pains and disruption of the brain.

After vertebral artery occlusion, the person experiences weakness, fatigue, visual hallucinations, and other symptoms. If the patient does not consult a doctor in time, diseases such as cerebral ischemia and strokes can occur. Over time, they can be fatal.

Diagnosis of pathologies

After examination by a doctor, one of the diagnostic research methods is prescribed for a broader understanding of the pathology. With mechanical injuries and injuries of the vertebrae, computed tomography (computed tomography) is prescribed, which is based on X-rays. X-rays are fixed in all tissues of the body and are displayed differently on the monitor screen. The specialist receives several dozen layered images with a three-dimensional image of the bone structures of the spine.

The method has its contraindications. During pregnancy and lactation, it is better to opt for MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), which uses electromagnetic waves to detect degenerative diseases and soft tissue pathologies. Modern tomographs allow you to get high-quality images of all parts of the back in minutes and find out why the back and neck hurt.

If the doctor suspects an infectious disease of the central nervous system, polyneuropathy and other diseases of the central nervous system of various etiologies, then a lumbar puncture is prescribed. This method is widely used in neurology. During the procedure, the patient receives spinal anesthesia or spinal anesthesia when the patient receives an injection of anesthetic into the subarachnoid space. The injection is made as close to the roots of the spinal nerves as possible.

puncture for back pain

Medical treatment

When the first symptoms appear, most people resolve the problem with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving medications. For the appearance of a therapeutic effect, the following drugs are used:

  • Analgesics with a pronounced analgesic effect based on metamizole sodium or nalbuphine;
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that act directly on the focus of inflammation and effectively relieve swelling;
  • Muscle relaxants that lower muscle tissue tone and relieve tension;
  • Anesthetic and anti-inflammatory ointments of local action.

The doctor can prescribe both tablets and ampoules, which have an immediate effect. As a complex therapy, ointments or gels are prescribed, which relieve puffiness and chondroprotectors. This group of drugs restores the joints and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Physiotherapy procedures

In addition to drug treatment, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy procedures. It can be therapeutic yoga, special massages or mineral water and mud treatments. To choose the right gymnastic exercises and procedures, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe therapeutic courses. In some cases, stretching exercises can lead to deterioration, so physical therapy alone is not recommended.

back pain electrophoresis

Another method of treatment is manual therapy. The specialist performs a manual massage beforehand in order to prepare the soft tissues for subsequent exposure. Then it goes to the joints and the spine. Such manipulations with the help of the hands effectively help to improve blood circulation and relieve pain. A deep effect on the muscles of the back allows you to eliminate tension and swelling.

Some specialists prescribe electrophoresis to the patient. This method is based on constant electric shocks that are applied to diseased areas of the body. The method has the following advantages: reduction of the inflammatory process in the muscles of the back and neck, elimination of edema and pain, decrease in muscle tone, improvement of blood supply to the tissues of the back. The therapeutic effect is observed after the first procedure.